Allotment Diary

Friday 27 January 2012

Knitting, crochet and other things

K has been off work [annual leave] this week and has just gone back. We've had a lovely week but oh boy has the housework suffered so in between hoovering, washing, drying and dusting I'm blogging!!  mumssimplylivingblog - I've been following the tutorial the talented Mum has put on her blog to show  complete eejits how to do it [I'm the complete eejit - no one else is!] I'm slowly but surely mastering it, in fact, I've ordered a book from amazon to back up the tutorial. I've also bought and received a book on Knitting Christmas bits so I've been attempting to do some of that - made a Star, half of which looked good and half of which did not - I know where I went wrong and practise does make perfect. I'd better get better as I'm planning on all this knitting and crocheting paying off in October or November as I'll sell it all then at a craft fair - fingers crossed.

I need to update my blog list

C is off to stay with Nana for the night - D will make the most of it and go on the Wii no doubt. I'll knit lol

If I manage to make something half decent I'll show a picture - don't expect one any time soon!

H x

1 comment:

  1. You're doing well - keep going and you'll get there!
    Love from Mum
