Allotment Diary

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Catch Up

Well its been a while since I last posted - its that time of the year when something has to give and as much as I hate wrapping the blog has had to suffer.

D has had his 10th birthday, my little boy is in double figures now, where has the time gone. He had a great birthday, went out for a Roast Dinner for his tea [his choice] and thoroughly loved his presents, his main pressie from us was Wii Skylander Giants, it has been a great hit, so much so that more characters have been bought for Xmas

C has settled into school well, she has struggled with the culture shock, after all, there aren't many schools where you call the Teachers by their first name!

K is still doing as much overtimeas he can manage

Toby [our dog] is getting older by the day, a short walk now stiffens him up for the rest of the day and he has to have a sleep for a long time.

Xmas Day will be spent at home with Mum and N coming over for the day, kids will be hyper and full of sweets, K will be cooking Dinner and I'll do Tea, lots of festive TV in the evening is planned. K has to work a late shift on Boxing Day and the kids will be at their Dads so an afternoon of tidying up will be what I'll be doing


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