Allotment Diary

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Fireworks, School [again], Time

This year we decided not to do our own Fireworks, we decided to go to the display up at the City Centre and boy. were we impressed, yes we were. They were fantastic, D at the tender age of 9 and 49 weeks oh'd and ah'd along with everyone else, he did his excited squeeze - he raises his fists up to just under his chin and squeezes his fists together whilst pulling a face, its something he did as a tiny little lad and we get to see it rarely now but occasionally when something really excites him out come the fists. C stood apart from us to watch the Fireworks, near but far away, she rejoined us when some lads started hanging about near her, they were obviously nearing the point of being one over the limit and it was making her uncomfortable so she came back into the fold [she was only a couple of feet away anyway!] The lads were no bother and soon moved on but it was good to see her assessing the situation and seeking the safety of her family.

D has been given a start date at his new school - he's got 2 more days at his old school and then after the weekend he starts the new one. K and I are going in for a meeting with the Head to explain that D needs to be constantly challenged and to also talk about his skills [and his cheekiness] C is still waiting for her start date but we've been assured that it won't be long now.

Where does time go, its Wednesday night already, its half way through November and time is going so quickly. I plan lots of things to do each year and then I get near the end of the year and realise that I've done about half of my list, time is running out, I'll start the Xmas clear out soon - all the corners get swept out, excess furniture goes into the garage to make room for the Xmas Tree, finger prints get wiped away, places are dusted that never normally see a duster [apart from last years Xmas Clear out]. I'd like the world to stop for a couple of weeks just so I can catch up with myself.


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